Begin Yoga

Saturday mornings

Wednesday evenings

Attend 8 Classes over 5 weeks for only $70*

 Purchase Pass Here


 Learn Yoga in a dedicated yoga space with simple, clear instructions. These classes provide structured step-by-step learning, designed to teach the foundations of Yoga. Perfect for anyone who has no prior experience and is looking to start Yoga.

These classes are a gentle introduction into a yoga practice. Improving strength, balance, flexibility, and energy. Yoga quietens the mind and reduces stress in our daily life. 

Join in at any time, these one hour classes are designed to learn and progress at your own pace.

*Pass available to attend UP TO 8 Begin Yoga Classes within 5 weeks from date of your first class. Casual Pass also available to use for attendance.


West End Yoga Centre runs classes twice a week: 
Saturdays 9:30am
Wednesday 6:45pm
Classes will resume again in October 2024.

West End Yoga provides mats and props, however, you are welcome to bring along your own if you would prefer.

Wear comfortable clothing you can move in. 


 **Our Begin Yoga Classes are not suitable if you have chronic issues or major injuries. Please see our Therapy Classes for more details.

**Not suitable for pregnant students. Please email us about joining in the Therapy or General Classes if pregnant. 

**Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns before beginning a practice with us.